Monday, June 18, 2018

Leganga School for Disabled

Today we started out the day with an early breakfast and a devotional from George Ndungu.  We then headed out fairly early to the Leganga School for the Disabled, where we served last year.  We recognized many of the same kids from last year, and they all remembered our returning students, and latched on to the new team members right away.  Jon and I were able to speak with the parents for over an hour.  They each told us which child was theirs as well as their disability.  We were told by the teachers and volunteers that several of these parents originally hid their children in their homes and would not admit to having a disabled child, for fear of people accusing them of being possessed by demons or practicing witchcraft, or for just trying to get money.  Anyway we had a wonderful time getting to know them and were able to share our story of what we have been through with our own kids.  We were able to encourage them with how God will always be there for them and can use our children as part of His ministry to others.  Our daughter, Marie, suddenly wanted to share with the parents, and surprised us with a wonderful speech about how they didn’t need to worry about their kids because God would take care of it!  While we spoke to the parents, the TCA students were able to do some painting and play with the kids.   They all seemed to love it.

We then came back to the hotel around 2 and had a quick lunch before heading back out to host the first day of VBS at our host church.   Our students did a great job with the decorating, skits, music, games, and crafts.  The kids loved it and will hopefully be returning tomorrow and bringing a friend.

We came back for dinner, a quick prayer time and more  practice for tomorrow’s VBS.  Thank you so much for your prayers.  We do feel them!


Jenni Millet

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