Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Our last night in Africa

Sorry I didn’t get a chance to update in the past couple of days.  We are all fine and enjoyed our safari here at the end of our trip.  Everyone got to see lots of animals and enjoy Gods creation here at Lake Manyara.  Tonight we had our last meeting and took communion to dedicate our trip and all that we’ve done to the Lord.  Tomorrow morning we will leave here around 9 and stop on the way out for one more short game drive.  Several of the group will be doing a “treetop” safari where they walk across some kind of tree bridges to see animals below.  The rest of us normal people will just ride around in the Jeep’s while we wait for them.  We will then head back to our hotel in Arusha where we left all our luggage, have a quick lunch and then head to the airport!

I cant believe this trip is almost over!  We have truly enjoyed this group in particular.  They have worked so hard and served joyfully the whole time.  We will miss them but I know you will all be happy to have them home safely!  Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us through giving or prayer.  We could not have done it without you!

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