Tuesday, June 19, 2018

VBS and Leganga

Yesterday we returned to the Leganga School for Disabled where we have been painting their block of schoolrooms.  The small creek that runs through their property has been flooding their playground so we also helped the fundi put cinder blocks in to help control the water.  The students had fun getting muddy and helping.

After lunch we went back to the Lutheran Church for our second day of VBS.  We told the story of Mary and Martha and how we shouldn’t worry about all the small things in life, but should focus on getting to know Jesus.  The kids have loved all the songs, skits, games and crafts and our students are doing a fabulous job with them.

Today will be our last day working at Leganga so we hope to finish all the painting.  We will also be doing the third day of VBS in the afternoon.  Thank you for your continued prayers and support!


  1. Hi Marshall and Mikayla!!

    We miss you. We are loving keeping up with your blog updates to see what great work you are doing in Africa. We can't get the pictures to load, but we love reading your stories!

    We will continue to think about you and pray for your safety, good health, and successful trip. We love you!

    Marshall, your Community Independence class misses you!!

    Your My Possibilities HIPsters

    1. Check my moms Facebook page for photos. Having trouble uploading to blog. Jenni Green Millet
